This page is online for reference -- Century-SBCG disbanded at the end of 2004.
To all our members and supporters: Thanks for the memories.


  News & Commentary

We're running early number pick-up (and late registration) for the G.S. Mengoni Gran Prix

Please note that a license and signed release form are required to pick-up a number. You can pick up numbers for friends and teammates, but they will need to give you their license to do that. And if they registered online they'll need to give you a signed release to give us. Similarly, if you send a friend or messenger, be sure to give them your license (and a signed release if you registered online).

If you're picking up your own number, just bring your license. If you registered online we'll have releases ready for you to sign.

You can hand in your entry at early number pick-up on the 24th. There's a $5 late fee and a license and release are required to receive a number. If possible, just pre-register. It's cheaper and makes our life much easier.

Finally, please don't call or email anyone on our team at the last minute to enter the race -- we're juggling a lot of details in the last 36 hours before the event (and trying to get to sleep too so we can get up in time to actually race bikes). Just send in your entry in advance and all will be smooth.

Two last things about your entry -- please be sure to write your name as it should appear normally, whether you pre-register online or by mail. Not ALL CAPS, not all lower case. And try to coordinate with your teammates to put your team name the same way for everyone.

Early number pick-up and late registration will beheld Friday August 24th, between noon and 6:30pm at 27 West 55th Street in Manhattan.


Help Out Recycle-a-Bicycle Community Bike Program!!

Recycle-a-Bicycle is an independent organization dedicated to youth development, environmental education, recycling and bicycle transportation in New York City. Recycle-a-Bicycle teaches kids to ride and maintain a bike, and gives them opportunity to participate in a sweat-equity "Earn-A-Bike" program, in which they earn credit towards acquisition of a bicycle of their own by working in the Recycle-A-Bicycle shops. Refurbished bikes in excess of those earned by participating children are donated to community organizations that run other outdoor youth projects, or are sold and the proceeds used to support helmet purchases, and pre-ride snacks for the kids.

You Can Be a Part of This!!

CRCA-Renaissance-Dash is coordinating a parts drive in conjunction with the number pick-up for the GS Mengoni Gran Prix. Bring donations of used bicycle parts, or your gently used cycling clothing and other equipment when you pick up your number for the GS Mengoni, on Friday August 24th, between 12:00 and 6:30 at 27 West 55th St. (between 5th and 6th Ave.) Cash donations will also be accepted. To find out more about Recycle-a-Bicycle, you can check out their web site at

Please help out, this organization really needs our support!


News & Commentary
